Thursday, April 7, 2011

Uriah heep - Nail on the Head

First full listen to one of the new tracks off the album "Into The Wild"

What do you think???


  1. Thank you for this post, Colin, and for the upload to my folder too (i was looking for that album...)
    For me this song is very good, hard rock of first quality with a bloody riff by Mick and all the band is in bigger form.
    What is the filter that Bernie use on the microphone?

  2. Not bad at all. It's hard for me to tell, though, since I WANT new Heep to be decent, I don't feel I can rely on myself to be objective. I can't tell if this were done by a band in whom I didn't have the same emotional investment if I would review it the same way.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    The apparatus on Bernie's mic appears to be a 'pop' filter. Frequently the sound of the hard 'p' consonant is difficult for microphones to handle and can produce an unpleasant distortion. Through some miracle of acoustical physics that I don't pretend to understand, suspending a stretched nylon stocking (or this more professional-looking product) between the vocalist and microphone reduces this effect.

  3. thanks for your post,ok i order the album but something is "missing" not great song,the drums are wrong for heep (cozy powell ,bonham style),they should have work with ken but they refuse.... then for me no killer riff just another hard rock group

  4. I think it's an ok/fun track. Somehow it reminds me of the Goalby era, Rockarama, etc. Can't wait for the full album!
    By the way, anybody listened to the new Kawasaky live? I was a bit disappointed by the audio quality of the vol.2 official live. Is this any better?

  5. I´M SO GLAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS FOR MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi fdr I have a copy of the new kawasaky live cd and it is, in my opinion a corker. Not as polished as Future Echoes was and nothing is ever going to touch the "Live 73" album but for me this is perhaps the next best live recording they have ever released and when you consider just how many live recordings there have been over the years,that should give you some idea as to how highly I regard this. A double Cd containing over 2 hours of Classic Heep including the whole of "Demons and Wizards"> it doesnt get much better than that!!

  7. Gracias, allora domani lo porto a casa! Il live in Budapest mi aveva lasciato un po' così...nel senso che è un live che comunque viene perfino distribuito nei negozi, ufficiale e tutto, che senso ha mandare in giro una registrazione da pubblico che comunque si può benissimo trovare gratis in rete, non è meglio e pure più semplice fare gli 'instant live' direttamente dal soundboard? Comunque ho letto sul forum di Travellers in time che questo show è preso dal mixer quindi per forza meglio! Sulle prestazioni del gruppo non entro nemmeno nel merito! Ciao!

  8. I think the timing of the release of the live kawasaky cd is unfortunate given that the new studio album is out now. As I truly believe it to be an essential purchase for not only die-hard Heep fans but it would provide an excellent entry point introducing the casual listener the band as an ongoing live act


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