This is the second Spider album that gets released on CD, possibly for their first time ever, and it’s 1983s “Rough Justice” not to be confused with Tytan’s album by the same name.
By 1983, Spider had come along way in many many ways. They had switched half a dozen of labels, released as many singles or more in the process and had several tours with prestigious bands under their belts. 1983 found them signed with A&M, another prestigious label… and on the brink of releasing their sophomore effort. “Rough justice” kickstarts quite capably with the anthemic “Here we go rock’n roll” and contains quite a few more typical songs in the vein of their debut or even a tad heavier like ”death row”, but seems to drift away from the norm in a number of occasions, most notably the very melodic “Martyred (For What I love)” and the rather complex “The minstrel” and folky and longwinded “Midsummer morning” that show the bands capability to break away from the boogie niche… Unfortunately that would also seem to be the band’s down fall, as the public didn’t seem to pick on the bands slightly more refined direction. Troubles with the press and the fact that “Here we go rock n roll” and “Breakaway” a number based on an original by the relatively unknown combo DEAD END KIDS the singles that were released in support of the album, were met by general disinterest, forced the band to go into touring and label hunting immediately after the albums release. Another album which was closer to the bands original sound ensued on the smalltime RPT label (which KRESCENDO also intends to put out) after an unsuccessful attempt by Mausoleum to put it out, and the band disbanded a few years later in 1986… all in all it’s sad, since this second album shows the band maturing…
Sadly, I can predict the the good-for-nothing know-it-all journos of my homeland, will just squash this album without hesitation, just as if it were a spider, as it’s 2008 – and “we cannot be pretending it’s 1986 anymore” and well there is not going to be an ad campaign behind it… at best, they will do a 3 line review and give it a 5/10 just to say they ‘ve done something… such is life… which makes me wonder who the real insects are….

Worth bying if you ‘re into old school stuff and you like NWOBHM, URIAH HEEP and or STATS QUO.
Reviewer: Dimitrios Fatouros
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